The CrossFit Taurus invites athletes 7 years old + compete in a one day competition held @ CrossFit Taurus Sunday July 4th 2021.
This event is doubling as a fundraiser for our good friend Hiko Curtis who has qualified for the CrossFit Games. Getting to the games is an amazing achievement, but getting there is also a major financial undertaking. To support Hiko, 100% of the entry fees for this event will donated, helping Hiko get to Madison, Wisconsin to compete!
There are 4 divisions:
KIDS (7-10yrs) - CrossFit Taurus program only - FULL
TEENS (11-14 yrs) - Taurus program only - FULL
SCALED - ALL AGES - LIMITED to 10 athletes
RX - ALL AGES LIMITED to 10 athletes
2021 Event Information
Opens June 18 2021. Cost of entry is $25.
@ CrossFit Taurus, 143 Maui street, Pukete, Hamilton
All athletes will be required to be at the venue by 9.30am to check in. The event will start at 10am sharp and will be finished at approximately 2pm.
There will be 3 events for each division. Workouts will be emailed out a few days before to comp to give everyone a chance to prepare.
Prize giving
Will take place shortly after the completion of the event.
This is a fitness competition, be prepared for anything.
Spectators and Parking
All participants and spectators are required to park on Maui street. There is to be no parking in the facilities parking area. Also, please do NOT park in the KIA Trailers allocated parks (your car will be towed).
While admission is free for spectators, this is a fundraiser event and we would like to encourage supporters to bring a gold coin donation to contribute toward getting Hiko to the games.
Food and Beverage
Drinks will be available for purchase at CrossFit Taurus.
The Base shopping centre is located approx 4km South of CrossFit Taurus and has a number of food and beverage options.
Strictly no pets allowed. The body corporate requires that no pets are allowed on the premises. Please pass this on to your supporters. Patrons accompanied by pets will be asked to leave the facility
Division Standards
Below are guidelines, not necessarily the weights or movements which will be programmed. If you’re more often than not achieving the prescribed standard in your gym, the division is for you.
Alt. DB snatch - 15/10
Box step ups
Clean and Jerks - 40/30
Snatch - 35/25
Single skips
Wall balls 9/6
Pull-ups - Jumping C2B OR standard pull up
HS hold OR walk
Alt. DB snatch - 22.5/15
Box Jumps
Clean and Jerks - 60/40
Snatch - 45/35
Double Unders
Wall balls 9/6
Pull-ups - C2B Or standard pull up
HS walk