AMRAP | 11min cap

23 Sync Wallballs




9kg wallball to the 10’ line for males
6kg wallball to 9’ line for females
24” burpee box jump over


9kg wallball to the 10’ line for males
6kg wallball to 9’ line for females
20” burpee box jump over


6kg wallball to the 10’ line for males
3kg wallball to 9’ line for females
20” burpee box jump/step over

Notes | Movement standards

After every second set (wallballs + BBJO), athletes must move their box forward one square.

Wall Balls:

  • At the bottom of the squat, the athlete’s hip crease must meet or go below parallel with the level of the knee

  • Wallballs must contact the wall on or above the target line in synchronization

  • On the last rep, athletes must catch the ball before it hits the ground - if the ball is left to fall on the last rep, the rep will not be counted

Burpee box jump over:

  • The rep starts with a burpee

  • The athlete’s chest must contact the ground at the bottom of the burpee

  • Athletes may step back or jump back and step or jump back to standing

  • Athletes must leave the ground in a 2 foot jump on to the box

  • Athletes may jump or step down

Burpee Box Step Over:

  • Scaled athletes may opt to perform a step over instead of a jump over

  • The rep starts with a burpee

  • The athlete’s chest must contact the ground at the bottom of the burpee

  • Athletes may step back or jump back and step or jump back to standing

  • Athletes may jump or step on to the box

  • Athletes may jump or step down